10 Life Lessons I Learned Along The Camino de Santiago

Walking along the Camino de Santiago for 32 days gives you time for many things. You see multiple places, eat many foods and meet lots of amazing people. It also teaches you life lessons. Here are the lessons I learned along the way:

  1. People are generous. I’ve met many that were generous to me in giving me their time, treating me to meals and lodging. Going forward, I want to “pay it forward” and be generous to others as well. 

  2. Your body is a lot tougher than you think. It will do a lot more than you’ll give it credit for. However, still remember to treat it well and it will treat you well back.
  3. Everybody has their own trials that they are working through. Be kind to one another and support each other them.
  4. Take time to be grateful and be thankful for what’s going good in your life. Chances are you have a lot more good things in your life right now than bad. Focus on the good and you will feel a lot happier!
  5. Life gets more clearer with age. Aging brings wisdom and should not be feared.
  6. People snore a lot. Bring your earplugs when sleeping in the same room with strangers. 🙂
  7. It’s much better to air dry clothes when possible. You make a positive environmental impact and your clothes smell nice. Not only that, but you save money not having to use a dryer!
  8. For long walks like the Camino, Vaporub is amazing solution to lubricating your feet and avoiding blisters! I will use it from now on with my future longer walks and hikes.
  9. There is so much beauty around us in this world. We just need to take time to notice it. The Camino had such beautiful natural beauty from snails to red poppies being my favorite.
  10. Be content in life, no matter where you are. While it may not be perfect, you can still enjoy it.

This post is a follow up to my original post about the Camino de Santiago. To read more in depth about my walk, click here.

3 thoughts on “10 Life Lessons I Learned Along The Camino de Santiago

  1. Cindy McPherson

    Ahh Justin. You said it al as that is how I felt. So grateful to have met you and spent amazing times with you.

  2. Sheila G.

    Insightful and funny ! Thanks for sharing this, Justin !

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